Monday 25 June 2012

Brighton Plants ~ the story so far

back garden aerial view
Our patio - 21st June 2011
It seems a very long time ago I put an ad in the local free mag, for anyone who might have a plot of land to rent somewhere in the Henfield area that might be suitable for setting up a new nursery. Some customers may remember our suburban back garden, full of baby plants. It was time to get serious.

Beginning to look like a nursery
Lovely weather - 17th June 2011
Actually it's less than 18 months ago, and it was only a year ago I began paying rent on part of the old Downsview Nursery site in New Hall Lane, Small Dole. With a bit of financial help from Mum and a small inheritance from Grandma, in mid June 2011 I got BB Muzeen of Henfield to turn a muddy weed patch into a more or less flat space on which to grow and sell plants.

2nd August 2011
The first thing I did was rabbit-proof it, then cover the ground with Mypex and build the packing and potting shed. You can see the tunnel frame there against the wall on the right.
Many thanks to Miss Green for her help with the financing.

the new tunnel
24th August 2011
Building the tunnel. That's all the plants that were in our back garden there to the right. Thanks to my brother Ian, Emma, Malcolm, and Emma's brother Steve for their untiring efforts.

19th September 2011
The tunnel complete - just in time for winter.
All safely gathered in, as they say.

Buzzard spotting at lunch time
13th April 2012

Spring time, and alongside the potting on and the pricking out there's the next phase of construction to do. Thanks to Ian, Iain Smith, and Olly for all their hard work.

xeric bed
19th June 2012
And more or less how it looks now - with the shade area there on the right and the xeric bed for chalk and drought-loving plants in the foreground (thanks again to Olly for his help with the shade). There's also a pond for marginals and an alpine bed.
I'm incredibly chuffed with it all.

Downsview Nursery entrance
The entrance
All it needs now is a sign on the gate to tell people they've arrived!

Directions can be found here

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