Tuesday 22 May 2018

Incarvillea Brighton Pride

Incarvillea Brighton's Pride
I requested seeds of "Incarvillea zhongdianensis alba" from the AGS exchange back in 2011. Most of them came up as I.delavayi but one came up with very rich pink flowers, well textured foliage and a bit shorter at 8-10ins tall.
Incarvillea Brighton's Pride
At first I thought it was a dark pink form of delavayi (which is itself a good thing as there aren't many cultivars of the species) but now I think it might be a hybrid. At any rate it's a very good colour (it really glows on the nursery at the moment), it seems very tough (other species have been a bit hit and miss for me here) and it comes +/- true from seed so I've been raising as many as I can and this year I'm offering it for sale.
Incarvillea Brighton's Pride
I'm calling it Brighton Pride in honour of my home town's spirit of lively diversity
Sold out for now

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