Wednesday 24 July 2024

Hibiscus militaris

Hibiscus militaris
One of the southern US swamp mallows, related to the spectacular coccineum and moscheutos, but requiring less summer heat to grow and flower outdoors. Suitable for pond margins and swampy conditions in full sun. 
Hibiscus militaris
Fully frost hardy. The flowers are white or palest pink, with a dark pink eye, and about 4ins across, on 4-5ft stems. 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Smallanthus uvedalia

Smallanthus uvedalius
Until a few years ago I'd been a bit prejudiced against the sunflower group because many have them are rather weedy and coarse, albeit bringing a cheerful splash of bright yellow to the late summer and autumn garden. Lately though I've come to appreciate some of them for their bold foliage and well-formed flowers - the bigger Silphiums are an obvious example - but then I discovered this hardy Smallanthus and I was just blown away. 
Smallanthus uvedalius
This magnificent species originally came from Tom Mitchell and I understand he collected it in the north-eastern USA himself. It's very tall, with broad-lobed leaves on the arching stems, and good- quality soft yellow flowers in autumn. The overall effect is huge and luxuriant and not at all ugly. It doesn't spread at the roots at all but produces a compact tuberous rootstock.
Smallanthus uvedalius
Fully hardy and easy to grow even in dry and poor soils - highly recommended.

Friday 5 July 2024

Two new Strobilanthes

A deservedly popular genus nowadays - especially valuable for their  late flowering and tolerance of dry shade.

Strobilanthes sp. large leaf sp. (Yunnan col. Jacky Pousse)
Strobilanthes sp. Yunnan
A stonking great species with fabulous big leaves up to 8ins long, beautifully veined, and tinted purple on the reverse. 
Strobilanthes sp. Yunnan
Hardly tried outside in the UK so far and I’ve not seen the flowers but promises to be an amazing addition to a sheltered woodland garden. Thanks to Mike Clifford for this. According to Alan Gregg this is S.mastersii. 

Strobilanthes lactea
Strobilanthes lactea
A beautiful species with silver-white bands either side of the midrib of each leaf – these really shine out in shady conditions. 
Strobilanthes lactea
I’ve not seen the flowers yet and this species is largely untested for hardiness in the UK but is categorised as z8 in the USA so should be fine with a bit of shelter over most of the southern and western regions. Like other Strobilanthes this is going to be an excellent addition to the woodland garden especially for late summer and autumn. Thanks again to Mike Clifford.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Gibasis sp. Jose Puig

Gibasis sp. Jose Puig
A houseplant related to the ever-popular Tradescantias, and very like a small version of those, with deep maroon foliage and small white flowers. 
Gibasis sp. Jose Puig
Easy and manageable (not weedy) in a sunny window.

Balbisia gracilis

Balbisia gracilis
Aka Wendtia gracilis - known locally as the 'oreganillo amarillo'. This is a very special small shrub from Chile belonging to the ledocarpaceae, related to Melianthus and Francoa, but looking nothing like either of those plants – perhaps more like a small yellow-flowering Ribes or Potentilla.
Balbisia gracilis
Small, delicate, finely cut glaucous leaves, and profuse small yellow flowers with prominent red stigma on wiry stems in summer. 
Balbisia gracilis
A nice thing for a sunny well-drained spot and should be hardy over much of the southern half or the UK. Thanks to Ann Cann for this very rare plant. 

Friday 21 June 2024

Impatiens flanaganae

Impatiens flanaganae
An African species related to the better known I.tinctoria. Overall it is smaller and has deep flesh pink flowers. 
Impatiens flanaganii
My experience of it here is that it is hardy and not difficult to grow but needs a rich moist soil to do well.

Opuntia scheeri

Opuntia scheeri Lancing, Sussex, UK
An excellent and choice hardy prickly pear with pads about 6-8ins across and forming a solid small shrub quite quickly. The fine evenly spaced yellowish areoles on a sea green background make for a very satisfying effect. Don’t however underestimate the tiny, barbed spines which get everywhere. Handle it with thick leather gloves and plant it well away from the path.
Opuntia scheeri
The parent plant is in a front garden in Lancing, Sussex, in ordinary soil and gets no protection at all. I hear of other plants as far north as Lancashire also doing well fully exposed to the elements. Pale amber yellow flowers appear in spring.