Saturday 14 May 2011


Felicia rosulata
Felicia rosulata 
As a normally very sensible friend recently commented on Flickr - these are indeed 'adorable'.
Previously known as Aster natalensis, these have proved easy to please in a sunny well drained spot, and although said to benefit from a dryish winter (coming from East Africa, this is to be expected) they have so far been better if not too parched. Completely unfazed by the last few winters' onslaught.
An easy alpine and should be better known.
1L pots ~ £6

Felicia uliginosa
Felicia uliginosa
Very different - this is a creeping species with needle-like foliage and soft lavender daisy flowers. Just as hardy and easy to grow. Uliginosa means 'of wetland' or something like that, so probably best not too dry.
sold out

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