Wednesday 22 June 2022

Notocactus (now Parodia) magnificus

Notocactus magnificus
I have a few babies of this magnificent cool-growing species ready to go in 3in pots. 
Mature plants are more or less spherical, up to 10ins across, sea green with dense bands of straw-coloured prickles along the ridges. Lemon-yellow flowers are produced regularly.
Notocactus magnificus
Not hardy, but doesn't need much heat - just frost free and dry in winter.

Rubus acuminatus

Rubus acuminatus
Surely the most un-bramble-like bramble you've ever seen, and one of my absolute favourite shrubs of any kind. A small evergreen shrub that neither scrambles nor suckers. To me it looks a lot like Ribes laurifolium, but the nodding white flowers are typical Rubus.
Rubus acuminatus
Adaptable but best in woodland shade with shelter and moisture. Many thanks to Barry Clarke for letting me have cuttings of this one.

Lonicera syringantha

Lonicera syringantha
A medium-sized shrubby species with heavily fragrant rosy pink trumpet-shaped flowers in spring. The foliage is neat and grey-green. Easy and adaptable – one of the best fragrant shrubs.